web development and design from bethsweb.com web development and design from bethsweb.com

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Web Development and Design: Introduction & Intermediate | Intro to PHP | Intermediate PHP | Visual Basic® | Java | JavaScript | PowerPoint® | Flash®
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Join our class e-mail list!

I set up an e-mail list for our class, called webdev@bethsweb.com. If you would like to join, send an e-mail to:

Please allow 24-48 hours for your name to be added to the list. Once your name has been added, you will then be able to exchange e-mail with the whole group at once by sending an e-mail to webdev@bethsweb.com.

For those of you who are new to e-mail lists (also known as mailing lists), here is how they work: once you send your e-mail to the e-mail address for the webdev list (webdev@bethsweb.com), it is automatically forwarded to all the people who joined the list. You can join in on group discussions and send questions, answers, and ideas to the whole group by sending a single e-mail!

If you have any questions about the list, please send an e-mail to:

Privacy Policy and Statement of Use: Your name and e-mail address will not be shared with any third parties. This e-mail list has been set up for the purpose of continuing class discussions outside the classroom and to share ideas, questions, and answers with each other about web development and web design. Note: This is an unmoderated list. Please refrain from any inappropriate language and from any topics not related to web development and web design. If inappropriate discussions occur, the list will become moderated and the offendors will be banned from the list. If inappropriate discussions continue, the list itself will be terminated. Thank you for your compliance with this policy.