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To learn more about choosing a web host, review the online or text version of the "Web Site Services" and "Free Web Site Hosting" sections in Appendix B of your class text book, Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours.

Web hosting: articles and search sites

Hostsearch.com: offers articles and a search feature.

Web Hosting Reviews: A Reliable Web Hosting Shopping Guide:
Dan Lemnaru provides:
- a method to find honest web hosting companies
- details of important things a customer should know about web hosting but might not be aware of (to their detriment)
- a short list of honest web hosting companies

"A webmaster's web hosting nightmare," an article by Jim Daniels, offered on the JavaScriptKit.com web site (which has great JavaScript tutorials!)

Web hosts that I recommend

HostGator.com: I use them for my sites, as do many of my students, clients, and local businesses.
I found this on the Internet: use coupon code "hgc25" to subtract $9.94 off the order

LunarPages - student-recommended

MyHosting.com - used by some students and local businesses. I used to use them before I switched to HostGator.com - they are reliable and offer good service.

Free web hosting

These places offer free web hosting -- if you find that any are now charging, please e-mail me, and I'll update the list... Thanks! Contact me via this e-mail address:
contact Beth




Zymic (allows PHP scripts)

Netfirms (allows Perl/CGI scripts)

Brinkster (allows ASP and ASP.net)

MyJavaServer (allows JSP)


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