To learn more about choosing a web host, review the online or text version of the "Web Site Services" and "Free Web Site Hosting" sections in Appendix B of your class text book, Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours. offers articles and a search feature.
Web Hosting Reviews: A Reliable Web Hosting Shopping Guide:
Dan Lemnaru provides:
- a method to find honest web hosting companies
- details of important things a customer should know about web hosting but might not be aware of (to their detriment)
- a short list of honest web hosting companies
"A webmaster's web hosting
nightmare," an article by Jim Daniels, offered on the web site (which has great JavaScript tutorials!) I use them for my sites, as do many of my students, clients, and local businesses.
I found this on the Internet: use coupon code "hgc25" to subtract $9.94 off the order
LunarPages - student-recommended - used by some students and local businesses. I used to use them before I switched to - they are reliable and offer good service.
These places offer free web hosting -- if you find that any are now charging, please e-mail me, and I'll update the list... Thanks! Contact me via this e-mail address:
Zymic (allows PHP scripts)
Netfirms (allows Perl/CGI scripts)
Brinkster (allows ASP and
MyJavaServer (allows JSP)
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